Last night Robert took the kids to wave signs in one last ditch effort to help people make up their minds regarding prop 8. I had a volleyball game so Robert ventured out with all four hoping that if kids were with him that maybe they wouldn't get eggs thrown at them or worse. It must have worked. They were yelled at a few times but nothing too horrible. My kids were so excited to do this and it made them feel very proud to stand up for what we believe in. I think they are learning at a young age how important it is to stand up for our beliefs. I was very proud of them. I hope everyone gets out today to vote. I am so grateful for the freedoms that we enjoy and I am glad that my children got to demonstrate those freedoms last night.
3 weeks ago
WAY TO GO GUYS!!! Chloe & I worked all day today to stand up for our beliefs...making phone calls and standing outside a polling place giving out stickers!Now we're watching the results but I don't think I'll stay up too late. We'll wait for the news in the morning!
I love that all the kids participated!! It's so great for them to feel excited about standing up for what's right!! Way to go BAKERS!!! Thanks for helping me with my blog's way cuter now!
Awesome, Awesome. I support you guys and I support Prop 8.
Good work! I know a lot of people across the country are grateful for your work.
Awesome!! That's great that the kids are learning to stand up for what they believe in.
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