Today I am grateful for the passing of Proposition 8 here in California. I am grateful for the countless hours that people all across the state and really the country put in for our behalf. I am grateful that although at time our society seems to have given up on having morals and values, at the end of the day I feel that people really do want what is right. That reflected on voting day. Many prayers were said that the hearts of the voters would be touched and that they would feel the spirit while in the privacy of the voting booth. I know that our battle against families is not over and that is evident by the demonstrations at the temple and having to close some of the temples but in the end I know the Lord is pleased with our efforts. I am grateful that we were able to be a part of this effort.
3 weeks ago
Amen sistah...have fun this weekend and take lots of pictures!
Congrats!! I've been thinking about you.
I was so glad too...I just knew things would be ok though...and that God would oversee that :)
We feel you. I was glad to get out and do some sign waving with rob and the kids. i don't know how many votes we changed, but it sure felt good knowing we were standing up to be counted for what we believe to be right.
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