....my wonderful husband. There are so many reasons why I am grateful for him. Here are just a few. He is such a wonderful husband and father. He is a worthy priesthood holder and he honors it. He is a hard worker and the most motivated and ambitious person I have ever met. He is friendly to everyone he meets and he would do anything for anybody. He has a love of the gospel and a love for learning that I admire. He is not scared of anything and he embraces challenges and new experiences with enthusiasm. So this is just to name a few qualities about him. I thank my Heavenly Father everyday for bringing him into my life. I don't know how I got so lucky. I love you Robert.
3 weeks ago
We're glad you found Robert too!! I remember he had to be something special if you were calling home crying every night from HAWAII because your missed Robert...:)
You did find a good one, Jill. How did you guys meet?
That's the Rob I know and love. I knew that one about the flowers had to be about Tanner. Rob is a good man, I look up to him, and not just for the obvious reason.
Robert is a great guy. I agree with everything you said. He was always willing to help us with anything. You both are great, though!
what you said about your husband is very cool. I am sure he is very pleased to hear that from you. I am a witness of his great desire to help others. Actually my family had been blessed many times by his help. Hi is a great guy. We are lucky to have all of you as our good friends.
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