the opportunity I have each Sunday to go to church and renew my baptismal covenants. Today we had a great sacrament meeting and the children were all quiet enough that I actually got to listen to the talks today. I love feeling renewed each Sunday. I really need that each week. I am grateful for worthy priesthood that can bless and pass the sacrament each week. They are great examples to my boys. I am grateful for the sacrament.
3 weeks ago
I missed church today, and I missed taking the sacrament. Now that I am in a family ward once again--it isn't as quiet (of course) as a single's ward, but the spirit is still just as strong as I take time to ponder my covenants. Jill, I miss you!!
Jill - So sorry I haven't got the recipes to you! Will you send me your email address and I will send it to you? It's embarrassing how easy the peanut butter pizza cookie is. seriously1
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