...Thanksgiving with family. Ok so I know I've been slacking on my grateful posts but life is crazy. Anyway we had a great Thanksgiving. My parents, Rob's parents, my brothers Jake and Lance and their families and of course awesome food. The morning started with me and Jake doing the run for the hungry 10k downtown. It was fun although I have to admit at mile three when I was only half way and it started pouring down rain and it rained for the rest of the race I was thinking now why did I do this? I am glad I did. I even managed to run the whole thing. Don't ask my time though. I would say I am more of a slow jogger than a runner. I wasn't last so that was good. It was a little depressing when I was at the halfway mark the first finishers were coming in. Oh well, it was fun and I am sore, next year I will be better prepared, maybe I will even be able to keep up with Jake:) Anyway the rest of the day was filled with eating and visiting. It was a great day. We were so cold and wet, we were ringing our clothes out after.
Showing off our $30 t-shirts.
Jake wanted to make sure people knew that he helped yesterday. I think he filled a pot with water. Good job Jake!!!
The trampoline was an early Christmas present from the grandparents. The cousins loved playing all day. We hardly even saw them most of the day.
Poor little Madison with her broken arm after falling off a chair back home. She is such a cutie!!!
This is our beautiful 22lb turkey that Robert did. He did it all by himself since I was at the race that morning. He did a good job and it was yummy.
The older kids put on a concert.
Grandpa loved the concert!!
Are these not the cutest little guys. Jackson, Ryland and Luke. They were so cute to watch together. Although most of the time they were trying to gouge eachothers eyes out but it was all in good fun.
3 weeks ago
Way to go on the run!!! Wow, a 10K? I have only done that once...but I would love to again, when the fat comes off. Sounds like your Thanksgiving was awesome! Your kids are so dang cute!
Good job Jill on the run! I am soooo proud of you! Maybe I will do it with you next year?! ha!
Congrats on the 10K - way to go not walking at all - I am super impressed! Thanks again for having us over the other week, we had such a great time! Sorry we were late =)
Yes Jill, you did do a great job. And for anyone out there who doesn't believe it was cold and rainy you should have been there. Thank you for having us over for Thanksgiving, you are a wonderful host and we're happy to come back whenever you invite us. Thank you though, the kids always enjoy playing with their cousins. Now the key is to continue running. That's for next year.
Good for you for running the 10K. Doesn't it feel good to know you can do that? Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving as well.
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