...for my volleyball league. Every Monday night I play volleyball on a city league and it is so much fun. It is nice to be able to do something alone that I enjoy. What is even better is that it is a good workout without even knowing it. Every time I come home the house is quiet and the kids are in bed and even the baby is asleep, for those of you who know Robert you know that this is a big deal. We have come a long way. Even though I am probably the worst one on the league they all are good to me and we have a good time. For those of you who have not seen me in a long time, that is not me in the picture, but I bet I could do that and look just as good:)
3 weeks ago
Oh what are you talking about? I totally thought that was you in the picture until you said... ;)
You make volleyball look hot!!
I'm glad that you're still playing volleyball. And, way to go Robert!! I am very impressed.
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