...Thanksgiving with family. Ok so I know I've been slacking on my grateful posts but life is crazy. Anyway we had a great Thanksgiving. My parents, Rob's parents, my brothers Jake and Lance and their families and of course awesome food. The morning started with me and Jake doing the run for the hungry 10k downtown. It was fun although I have to admit at mile three when I was only half way and it started pouring down rain and it rained for the rest of the race I was thinking now why did I do this? I am glad I did. I even managed to run the whole thing. Don't ask my time though. I would say I am more of a slow jogger than a runner. I wasn't last so that was good. It was a little depressing when I was at the halfway mark the first finishers were coming in. Oh well, it was fun and I am sore, next year I will be better prepared, maybe I will even be able to keep up with Jake:) Anyway the rest of the day was filled with eating and visiting. It was a great day. We were so cold and wet, we were ringing our clothes out after.
Showing off our $30 t-shirts.
Jake wanted to make sure people knew that he helped yesterday. I think he filled a pot with water. Good job Jake!!!
The trampoline was an early Christmas present from the grandparents. The cousins loved playing all day. We hardly even saw them most of the day.
Poor little Madison with her broken arm after falling off a chair back home. She is such a cutie!!!
This is our beautiful 22lb turkey that Robert did. He did it all by himself since I was at the race that morning. He did a good job and it was yummy.
The older kids put on a concert.
Grandpa loved the concert!!
Are these not the cutest little guys. Jackson, Ryland and Luke. They were so cute to watch together. Although most of the time they were trying to gouge eachothers eyes out but it was all in good fun.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Posted by The blogging Bakers at 11:54 PM 5 comments
Sunday, November 23, 2008
...LOW GAS PRICES!!!!!! Let me just say that with a 28 gallon gas tank I was freaking out about gas when it was over $4.50 a gallon. It cost me about $130 to fill up. Now I can fill up for about $60. YEAH!!!!!
Posted by The blogging Bakers at 12:11 AM 4 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008
...fun family days!!! Yesterday we went to Knott's Berry Farm with my parents, Rob's parents and my sister in law met us there with her three kids. They are celebrating veterans month so we got in basically for free. There was hardly anyone there and the weather was perfect. It was a great day. When we were on the roller coasters and they were finished the workers just let us stay on. It was so great.This picture of Grandma Evelyn doesn't show the after when she had to stop the ride so she wouldn't throw up. It was a good effort.
Ok-so can I just say that I hate cheesy shows at amusement parks, and as soon as we got into the park all the kids wanted to go and watch the wild west show. AHHH!!! I can't believe with all these big roller coasters in front of them they would rather choose a show. Oh well.
Posted by The blogging Bakers at 11:47 AM 2 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
...for my volleyball league. Every Monday night I play volleyball on a city league and it is so much fun. It is nice to be able to do something alone that I enjoy. What is even better is that it is a good workout without even knowing it. Every time I come home the house is quiet and the kids are in bed and even the baby is asleep, for those of you who know Robert you know that this is a big deal. We have come a long way. Even though I am probably the worst one on the league they all are good to me and we have a good time. For those of you who have not seen me in a long time, that is not me in the picture, but I bet I could do that and look just as good:)
Posted by The blogging Bakers at 9:57 PM 3 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008
...Grandpa Roy and Grandma Evelyn. These two are truly remarkable people. Robert and I always comment on how blessed we are that we have great families. These people would do anything for anyone. They have taught me a lot about service and love. They are great grandparents. My kids adore them and they are such wonderful examples to us. This is a picture of them with their mission calls. They are going to serve an 18 month military relations mission here is San Diego. They will be so great. We love you guys!!!
Posted by The blogging Bakers at 9:54 PM 3 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
....my wonderful husband. There are so many reasons why I am grateful for him. Here are just a few. He is such a wonderful husband and father. He is a worthy priesthood holder and he honors it. He is a hard worker and the most motivated and ambitious person I have ever met. He is friendly to everyone he meets and he would do anything for anybody. He has a love of the gospel and a love for learning that I admire. He is not scared of anything and he embraces challenges and new experiences with enthusiasm. So this is just to name a few qualities about him. I thank my Heavenly Father everyday for bringing him into my life. I don't know how I got so lucky. I love you Robert.
Posted by The blogging Bakers at 1:59 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
...DIGITAL CAMERAS. I know this sounds really lame but I love what digital cameras have allowed us non scrapbooking folks to do. I love that they allow us to stay in touch with our friends and family. I think it is so fun that I can keep in touch with friends from Junior High and friends from Indiana and Pennsylvania. We can watch each others families grow up. I love that. Another bonus is that before digital cameras I would have had to pay for the following pictures that my 4-year old took. Then it would not have been as cute. But now my little guy can explore his artistic side and I don't have to pay for it:) So today I am grateful for the technology of a digital camera.
Posted by The blogging Bakers at 7:13 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I am grateful to live in one of the most beautiful cities in our country. I love living in San Diego. There are so many beautiful places to visit. The weather is absolutely perfect and to top it off we live by our families. It doesn't get better than this. So today I am grateful to live in paradise.
p.s. I did not take these photos but I am sure that is obvious:)
Posted by The blogging Bakers at 10:38 PM 4 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
the opportunity I have each Sunday to go to church and renew my baptismal covenants. Today we had a great sacrament meeting and the children were all quiet enough that I actually got to listen to the talks today. I love feeling renewed each Sunday. I really need that each week. I am grateful for worthy priesthood that can bless and pass the sacrament each week. They are great examples to my boys. I am grateful for the sacrament.
Posted by The blogging Bakers at 10:13 PM 2 comments
Saturday, November 8, 2008
A beautiful Autumn day. Ok so maybe our autumn days don't really look like this, but I have lived places where they do and they are beautiful. But I am grateful for the beautiful fun autumn day we had today in the desert with a few friends.So our beautiful autumn day consisted of a marshmallow roasting, 4 wheelin, dune buggying, sand playing, card playing, bush peeing (not me, I haven't mastered that skill yet), cricket eating day. Yes friends I said cricket eating. See photo below.
Nothing quite like an ooey gooey marshmallow to warm you on a frigid 85 degree day in the desert. The fire was left over from the night before so they enjoyed roasting marshmallows for breakfast.
Erin and I took off on the 4 wheelers for about an hour. We had so much fun. We fed the babies and left the dads in charge. I think they were about ready to send out a rescue party. It was a great time.
Scary Jerry took all the kids for rides in his dune buggy. They had a blast going all over the dunes.
Finding some relief from the sun inside the RV. Hey nothing passes time like a good old game of blackjack right?
Kyle wanted to drive so bad. Maybe in a few years buddy.Robert worked with Tanner on teaching him how to drive it on his own. He learned really fast and really enjoyed himself. It is a little tricky working the pedal clutch and brakes but he did a great job.
Ok so let me explain the crickets. Some of our friends that were there stopped at a gas station along the way and they were selling different flavors of crickets. I was not about to try one. They were whole crickets, antennae and all. You could see their beady little eyeballs looking at you. I mean they were dead and I think fried but still eeww!!! Anyway a bunch of people were eating them and I was still refusing so Janice came up behind me and shoved one in my mouth. It was pretty funny. They actually didn't taste as bad as I had thought. They were like burned potato chips with a gross aftertaste, which I actually tasted the rest of the day. Oh well afterall how many people can say they have eaten a cricket?
The next picture is a little blury sorry. It is the nutritional information for the crickets. Wierd. Did you know that about 8 crickets is 9 calories and 1/2 gram of fat. Not bad huh? I still think I would rather eat a Tic Tac.
So I am grateful for a great fall weekend in the beautiful desert with friends and family
Posted by The blogging Bakers at 9:40 PM 2 comments