Tonight the boys and I(Bekah was sick so she stayed home with Rob) met Dave and Jamie and Mackenzie at the pumpkin "patch". Halloween is a little different in Southern California for a few different reasons. The pumpkin patch is actually pumpkins in rows on some straw under a tent about 1 mile from a major interstate freeway. The pumpkins are way overpriced, we actually got ours at Walmart. And if you notice that Tanner has on a fleece jacket, well it dipped down to about 65 degrees. But it was fun anyway and the kids don't know any better. In Indiana we would go to an actual pumpkin farm and apple orchard and we would pick our own pumpkins and go on hayrides. It was fun, but my kids have no memories of that.One perk of the night was the coupon for the free train ride. Mackenzie would not go on it by herself so Jamie had to ride it with her, it was hilarious. Jamie was crying she was laughing so hard. They were VERY small train cars.
This picture cracked me up. Mackenzie looks like her head is in a guillotine. She wasn't sure what to think of this but when Kyle is next to her she will do anything. Kyle is definitely her favorite cousin right now. He can do no wrong and she laughs at everything he does. It is really cute. She is his biggest fan.
Luke's first Halloween. He is eight months old now and crawling all over the place. He still has no hair and people love to rub his head. Everywhere we go these little old ladies always want to rub his head it's cute and Luke doesn't mind the attention. He is such a fun little guy and has a really cute personality. We love having him in our family.
3 weeks ago
Seriously...those are the cutest pictures. It was a fun night...I'M CRYING just thinking about putting my butt in that train...arg...I need to hit weight watchers. of my girls has to marry one of your boys...they are so handsome!! And are such a good mommy to go on that train ride!! I miss you guys!
so cute!!! you guys are fun. we miss you. ;)
I love your blog! Your kids have got so big, and are incredibly attractive! Luke is so cute! He is the perfect looking baby. I hope Im as lucky as you!
Too cute. We just went to Waterman's Farm to get our pumpkins. What a day!! Your pumpkin patch is a little different :-)
We miss you guys!! I wish we lived closer.
That picture of Luke in front of the pumpkins is adorable!!!
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