Bekah always begs me to curl her hair but because her hair is so thick, it takes a while to put the curlers in so we don't do it very often. We went to my niece's baptism in LA this weekend so we decided to do the curlers. She was blessed with great hair. Robert and I are always baffled about where her hair came from but we love it. I thought her hair looked so cute so I thought I would post a couple of pictures.
We went to LA this weekend for Rachel's baptism. It was such a great day for her. My brother did a great job. We had a great day with family and it is always fun for the cousins to play together. It was fun for Bekah to see it because she will be baptized in a couple of months so that was exciting for her. After we went back to their place for a great lunch. Thanks Aimee for a fun day. Thanks for all your hard work it was great. Bekah and Rachel
After the baptism Luke and I drove to Arizona to see my little brother and his family. On Sunday my dad ordained to a high priest because he was being called to be high priest group leader. He is only 29 so I know he is overwhelmed and nervous. I know he will be great. He is so easy going and easy to be around everyone will love him. It was really fun to see his family. Thanks for being great hosts.
Luke and Ryland, 6 weeks apart, sooo cute
On the drive home Luke was chewing on his toes. He does this a lot. He is so flexible, I think he gets it from me.....NOT:)
This is Luke after enjoying some of Grandpa's banana cream pie milkshake. He loved it. He was so funny in the car. Luke is extremely LOUD, I don't know if it is because of his hearing loss or what but he jabbers at decibels higher than any other baby. It was pretty funny. My parents really got a kick out of him. We had a nice weekend with my parents. Thanks mom and dad for letting us tag a long and thanks Robert for hanging out with the kids so I could go.
3 weeks ago
that is the cutest post....I loved Bekah's curls and I have hair envy...she got the good hair from her Uncle Jason...I love the pic of Luke and the ice cream...too cute..
Love the curls Jill! Because you were such a bad mommy (just kidding) last weekend, you missed the Primary program, both Madison and Kayla had worn those trusty ole sponge curlers and had megga curlie hair for church! I love the girls with curls! I wonder what Malia's hair would do? It is so short... I am thinking afro?!
Oh my gosh! Bekah looks so old. What cute hair! I love the picture of Luke after eating the milkshake. Don't you just want to eat him up?! What a cutie!
Hey Jill, it was great to see you guys last weekend. Thanks for coming out, Skyler and Madison love to see their relatives since we are out here in AZ by ourselves. It was fun to see Luke and Ryland together, that picture makes Ryland look so small next to Luke, but Ryland definitely has more muscle definition in his arms and legs. Trust me, it's there. He obviously gets that from his daddy. After the weekend, I realized we didn't really get any pictures with the adults. I guess that's the sign we really are getting old, we just take pictures of the kids and that's it. Oh well, thanks again for coming out, it was fun.
I love all the photo's. Your kids are so darn cute. I like your spooky background too!
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