My sister Jamie tagged me and this is probably way more information than you ever wanted to know about me but here it goes anyway.
1) Post rules on your blog
2) Answer the six "8" items
3) Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving them a comment
8 Favorite TV shows
1. Amazing Race
2. Dancing with the Stars
3. What Not to Wear
4. The Office
5. Law and Order SVU
6. Dirty Jobs
7. Oprah
8.Project Runway
8 Things I did Yesterday
1. Dishes
2. Laundry
3. Went to Rubio's for lunch with my mom
4. Took Bekah to piano
5. Went to Target and Walmart
6. Put up spider webs and lights on the outside of our house
7. Went to get a new YES ON 8 sign, other one got stolen
8. recovered all day from 3 hours of volleyball the night before, can I just say I am officially old after Monday night.
8 Things I look forward to
1. Sleeping through the night (me and Luke)
2. the holidays with family
3. Robert retiring
4. serving a mission with Robert
5. attending the temple more
6. no more diapers
7. running a half marathon next August( I am recruiting anyone who wants to do it with me)
8. traveling someday
8 Favorite Restaurants
1. any hole in the wall Mexican restaurant
2. In n Out
3. Geno and Joey's in PA
4. Claim Jumper
5. Spices Thai
6. Il Fornaio (yummy yummy gnocchi)
7. Corvette but only for their chocolate peppermint smoothies
8. can't come up with another one but pretty much anywhere where I don't have to cook or clean up
8 Things on my wish list
1. My dad's cancer will go away for good
2. My sisters in vitro will take next time maybe even twins or triplets :)
3. All of my children make the right choices in their lives all the time (you said WISH list right?)
4. Roberts heart problem will be fixed
5. Running a half marathon (when I do this, then I can decide about a marathon doubtful though)
6. Attending the temple more
7. sitting with my husband and all of my children in the temple someday
8. nursing school?
8 People to tag
I know some of you hate being tagged, but just play along it is fun to get to know different things about people.
2. Jen/Joey
5. Megan (my cousin)
6. Kalia (my neice)
8. Karen
3 weeks ago
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