We went to visit Rusty and Suzzie Trepanier. It was great catching up with them and Bekah and Kyle loved playing with the lizard, Tanner enjoyed watching
3 weeks ago
We went to visit Rusty and Suzzie Trepanier. It was great catching up with them and Bekah and Kyle loved playing with the lizard, Tanner enjoyed watching
Posted by Cool Rob at 2:42 PM
Hay found you too. I would love to see you! Your family is darling. I think I'll be in town next month I'll let you know. Love Sarah
OH yikes! I just can't deal with reptiles... no good, no good.
You know, I try to appreciate all Gods creatures and appreciate the beauty in all things. While the skin of reptiles is beautiful in it's own way, and they really are fascinating...I just have never been able to get past the initial shivers!!!
What a cute blog! I FINALLY had a chance to look at it! Oh--we soooo wish we could've gotten together this past weekend--but the great news is that we can more often! You guys are so awesome! We love you! They Hendys
cute cute cute! (all but the lizard)
Yikes! I am not looking forward to the kids bringing things like this home. Okay, not sure how often you check your blog but I got tagged by a friend, and I'm tagging you! Check my blog for details. No pressure to do it :)
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