As you can see by our title we are the Bakers 1/2 dozen and I am sure some of you looked at our family picture and thought maybe my IU degree is not serving me well because there are only 5 of us in the picture. This picture was taken when I was 5 months pregnant so I would like to introduce you all to our little Luke. The sad thing is that he is now 4 months old and we still have not sent out any pictures of him so I will post some.
Luke Donald Baker was born on Feb.23 2008 at about 6:00 pm. The Donald is for my grandpa on my moms side. He weighed in at 10 lb and 4 oz yep you read that right he was my 10 pounder. He was 21 1/4 inches long. I was induced with him which I was dreading it but 6 hours, 2 pushes and my beautiful epidural (which took 4 tries but that is a different story) later he was out. He was my easiest by far, I guess by number four they just walk out. The doctor said I was born to have babies, well duh I knew that with hips like mine they had to be a blessing in some way right? The funniest part of the day was when Robert started getting light headed and getting a little green in the face. He had to sit down and while I am pushing the nurse is asking if he needs juice. So Robert witnessed the birth from a chair across the room. My sister was awesome though and was right there the whole time. She even cut the cord. Robert wasn't feeling it. He was there and that is all that matters right;) Thanks Jamie for being so great that day.
Tanner and Bekah loved holding their new little brother. Kyle on the other hand was having none of that. He did not care for the hospital experience and kept asking when they could go home. He did not like seeing tubes come out of me.This is about as close as Kyle got to the baby until we came home. If you notice the placement of his finger maybe that is not a bad thing:).
Anyone who knows Robert at all knows that this scene is all too common. The children awake while daddy sleeps.
I took Luke in today for his 4 month check up and he is a bruiser. He is 19 1/2 lbs and almost 28 inches long. He is in the 95 percentile for height and weight and his head is in the 80th. I know this is shocking to have a Baker with a small head but don't worry he will catch up quickly I'm sure. Here are some updated pictures of him.Sorry these pictures kind of suck but you get the idea.
3 weeks ago
He seriously is the cutest baby!!
Wow, Jill, what an adorable family!
Hi! Luke is my new favorite baby. He is such a cuite!
Hey Bakers! It's your Aunt Laurie. I am adding you to my list. So great to see pics of your family. Looks like California agrees with you.
It is soooo good to see your little family! I'm so glad that we reconnected through facebook and can communicate once again :) You have such a cute family!! I can't believe so much time has passed. It was also good to see pictures of your parents, too!
Um, hi long lost friend (Lisa Porter here)! What a cute family, I can't believe you've got FOUR babes! Anyways, Jamie just left me a comment and I am so excited to get to see your cute families...I love this blog hopping stuff! Are you in San Deigo?? I am in Orange COunty. Anyways, we are at landlcall.blogspot.com. XO~ Lisa
Hi Jill! I found your blog from Jake's. If I remember correctly when I saw you last year at Oscars you were just barely pregnant with Luke. He is such an adorable baby, and your little family is beyond cute.
-Jennae (Tengberg) Porter
Congrats on your newest cutie! I just found your blog, so I'm catching up. You have such a good looking family. Gonna have to get together sometime when we're up for another road trip.
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