I had the chance to go and visit friends in Indianapolis last week. We lived there for almost 6 years and have been gone for almost five years. We miss our friends there a lot. I always tell Robert if we had to leave California then Indianapolis is the only place i would move to willingly. Hey Rance and LaDawn thanks for letting me invade your house for a week. You guys are the best. I love your family.
Me, Luke and Jessica, she just had a baby a month ago and the loser I am I don't have one picture of little Garrison. Love ya Jess, it's your turn to come and see me.
LaDawn, Joanna, and me the morning I left. I hate saying goodbye. We were trying to come up with a good location for a girls weekend next year that was maybe half way for all of us. I think we figured that half way is Cheyenne hmmmm well maybe we can come up with somewhere a little more exciting. Anyway I had a blast and it is nice to escape everyday life for a while. Thanks to all my family for helping with my kids.
Luke, 4 months old. He is such a good baby. He saw his first fireworks this night and he like them. No crying at all.
This is LaDawns little girl Olivia and I had to post this picture. LaDawn lives on a golf course and every night when it gets dark these huge frogs come out to play. Her kids love to go and catch them. They were disgusting. The better part it that this night there was a big thunder and lightening storm and Rance took all the kids out to catch frogs. LaDawn and I opted to stay home and not go on a golf course in a lightening storm. Hey Olivia after kissing those frogs I sure hope your prince Charming has it all.
Huge frogs they look like fish.
3 weeks ago
I love the big frogs. .. .Man Jeddy would love that. glad you had fun.
welcome back
Jill, it was so awesome to see you again. I'll catch you next time I'm in California.
It was so fun having you out here with us again!! I can't believe how big those frogs are. The boys will love that picture.
It was so much fun seeing you and Luke. Come back soon!
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