Last month we went to the Del Mar Fair with some good friends from our ward the Orlandos. We had a lot of fun. I don't know who is more excited about the fair every year me or the kids. Definitely not Robert, I think all he sees is dollar signs. He is a good sport and every year we eat way too much food for way too much money and then I complain about way too many pounds that I put on after:) It's a good thing it is only once a year right Kim?Bekah and Malia on one of many of the haunted houses that they rode on. Notice that her big brother was not on that ride with her. He was having none of that.
This is the only picture of Luke the whole day. Sad huh?
The good ole carousel. Kyle still loves riding on this ride. It kills me that the merry go round is 4 tickets. I kept saying are you sure you want to ride this, he was sure. He had fun that is all that matters right?
Tanner, Kayla, Malia, and Bekah at the fun house. Let's hope that's the last time they are ever behind bars:)This is at the end of the day. Kyle needed a little R&R for the walk back to the car.
3 weeks ago
Only 364 more days until we can go (and eat) again jill! Can't wait! So glad I have you to play with there!
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