We had a great Christmas and of course Santa brought way too much stuff for the kids. What was he thinking? Now we have to find a place for all of this. Anyway we had a fun day opening presents, the kids got a karaoke machine which has been really fun. Robert wants to get 80's karaoke complete with Journey and Air Supply. Fun times!!!
So this year for Christmas I must say that Rob did really good. A few years ago for Christmas he got me a cruise but because we bought a house shortly there after I let him off the hook so we could use that money for the house. Well this year he made up for it. He always makes me work for my presents. So after unwrapping about 6 boxes this is what I found.Luckily he didn't make me sing a song but it was cute and creative and the kids were really into it. Elation is the name of the ship.
Here is a picture of the actual ship we will be on.
Here is one of the beaches in Cabo San Lucas. I am so excited. WE are going the end of January and I am so excited!!! Weight Watchers here I come!!!!!!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Posted by The blogging Bakers at 5:05 PM 9 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Is this a preview of what's to come???????
Last night we caught Luke playing peek a boo with a bra. He loved it. Let's hope he doesn't discover one again for about 30 more years right? Well ok maybe 25.
Posted by The blogging Bakers at 3:50 PM 6 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
On Tuesday I went with Tanner on his field trip and one of the moms had a bag of double stuffed oreos. So I fed Luke one and I think this pictures says it all. Don't we all feel like this after an Oreo. One of the other moms there who was feeding her kid carrot sticks said shame on me for feeding that to my little baby, apparently he had no complaints:)
Posted by The blogging Bakers at 6:32 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Temple Choir
On Monday night the kids sang in our stake primary choir at the temple. They were so excited. They have been practicing for a couple of months now and knew the songs really well. The choir director is in our ward and she is amazing. Anyone who is willing to work with 50 primary kids for 2 months is a saint in my eyes. Anyway they did a beautiful job and what a perfect setting to sing Christmas songs. It was a great night. Here a few pictures. Bekah and her good friend Taelor
Bekah always wants one without the boys
Posted by The blogging Bakers at 1:42 PM 3 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Tanner Turned 10!!!!!
I can't believe my baby turned 10!!!! Am I really old enough to have a child in the double digits? Tanner was born November 30, 1998 in Greenwood, Indiana at 9:00 am. He was such a beautiful baby. He has grown up to be such a great kid. I can't imagine our family without him. He is such a good big brother to his sister and brothers, well ok most of the time. He loves to play with friends and ride his new bike. He loves being on the swim team and the basketball team. He is never embarrassed to give me a hug and he loves to do good. He is growing like a weed and eats non stop. I had to go buy him shoes the other day and he is already in a mens 71/2. We'll have to see if he out grows his dad's size 15. Anyway for his birthday we went to Knotts Berry Farm (see previous post) and then on Sunday we had a family party. His lame mom forgot candles so we had one match. Whatever works right? We had a great day. We love you Tanner!!! Tanner's new ride
Posted by The blogging Bakers at 7:40 PM 4 comments