Ok I have been tagged and I never really do these things but it sounded kind of fun, so here it goes.
The Five:
Ten Years ago I:
1. I was 22 and about to have my first child
2. was working in a gastroenterology office (for those of you who do not know what that is, it a butt and gut doctor to put it simply)
3. was living in Greenwood, Indiana ready to move into our first house
4.was on college 3 of the 10 that I attended working on major number 4 of six(I did finish eventually)
5.was in a primary presidency
5 things on todays "to do list"
1.LAUNDRY (that is on every day's list)
2. clean up laundry detergent spill in garage, brand new bottle spilled all over garage floor, fun times
3.go to store for more laundry detergent
4.kids first day of school
5.take Tanner to swim team try outs
5 snacks I enjoy, ok so maybe it would be easier to say the 5 things I don't enjoy because I enjoy everything else, but nevertheless here are the snacks I love
1.black licorice(I know most people hate it, that just means more for me to love)
2.any baked item especially homemade cakes and cookies
3.peanut butter rice krispy treats(I have to say I make a mean batch of these)
4.My mom's caramel popcorn, it is the best!!!!
5.CEREAL most kinds, anytime of any day
5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1.Pay off debt and all of my family's debt
2.Buy a large home across the street from the beach
3.Travel to places I have never been which is mostly everywhere, Australia, China, Africa, Fiji, you get the picture right?
4.Invest so I would stay a millionaire
5.Make sure all of my loved ones wanted for nothing
5 places I have lived
1.Orem, Ut
2.San Diego, CA
5 jobs I have had( my work experience is limited, i have been very blessed to have been able to stay home with my kids for most of my adult life)
1. cook at Pizza Hut
2.Gap girl
3.patient advocate at butt and gut doctor
4.admin assistant at law firm
5.Grounds keeper at BYU Hawaii or better known as tanning with a rake in my hand
I tag..
Kim O
Kim M
Each player answers the question themselves.At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment letting them know that they've been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person that tagged you know when you've answered the questions on your blog.
3 weeks ago
there is a little secret that i think you are leaving out for tanner about swimming. ask anyone who has done both and they will tell you. It is much more difficult than football. even if you talk just about the practices, you wake up at the break of dawn, it is cold outside and cold in the water, and then you just got to keep swimming until you want to pass out, even if you are in the middle of the pool. i am on to you and know this is a secret ploy to make him want to get back into football. good thinking
I didn't know you went to BYU-HI?!
My old stomping grounds...
Hey....Thanks for tagging me!You will have to wait patiently for me to post--but I will do it!
Okay I did my tag....I left some of the answers the same since we are sisters and we think a lot alike on some things!! :)
Yes! Of course I remember you! You are sweet. Since the offer has been made...I'll be there next weekend! Actually I have an uncle that lives in the area so you never know! I keep thinking I would like to go visit. I love California:) Your family looks like they are doing great!
hey thanks for stopping by my blog!
I loved your comments...and I am so with you on the black licorce Jill.....Love it.
I love these because you learn facinating things about people - things you may never have known otherwise!!
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