So I am finally finishing up our summer! Pathetic I know. We ended our summer with an awesome trip to Yellowstone and Jackson Hole. Aunt Cindy and our cousin Stephen were fabulous tour guides and we had a blast!!! We first stopped at Grandma Margaret's in Ogden, it's always fun to see her and my kids are always amazed that they know someone that old, she is 92.The kids loved rock climbing up Uncle Richards chimney, Bekah made it all the way to the top!!!!
We camped for a night in Jackson Hole and our cousin Tyson is part of the shoot out in Jackson and it was so fun to watch!
The Grand Tetons National Park is one of the most beautiful places that I have ever been to!
Some yummy moose pie!!!
Playing in Jenny Lake
Old Faithful!! So fun!
These guys were the only ones brave enough to enter the FRIGID waters of Yellowstone lake. It was only 50 degrees outside, so I don't know how cold the water was but I made them get out as soon as I saw lightening!:)
Beautiful Yellowstone Falls! We were there in August, I had no idea it would be so cold and rainy but we had a good time anyway
Cindy's cabin in Island Park just outside Yellowstone, it was so fun to stay there!
On our way back home we stopped at Lava Hot Springs in Idaho. Here is Rob jumping off the high platform, not very graceful!
Kyle was so brave jumping off the diving boards, he loved it
I love this picture of Bekah and Luke, so sweet!
Visiting Grandpa Baker's grave in Ogden
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Warning Picture Overload!!!!
Posted by The blogging Bakers at 11:19 AM 1 comments
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Summer Catch Up
It seems like all I do is play catch up on blogging, but because I am lazy and don't scrapbook I really need to be better at this so my children have some evidence that we really do fun things sometimes! We have had a really fun and busy summer with lots of visitors and fun trips. I always have mixed emotions when summer comes to an end, sad that we can't take off and do whatever we want but happy for peace and quiet. Some of our very best friends the Dowlings from Indiana came and stayed a week with us. It was so fun to catch up. I am realizing how lame I am in the picture taking department. Jessica was way better at taking her camera.We love getting pedicures!!! They are so cheap here so my out of town friends love getting them while they are here and I am happy to oblige!!!
We went and saw the Eclipse premiere and this is what all the trash cans looked like at the theater. It was so nasty. Sad that is my only picture of that night:(
Of course we had to hit the beach even if it was freezing!!!!
The day our friends left we headed up to Vegas to meet up with Rob's family!!! The kids had so much fun with all of their cousins. We swam a lot (what else do you do when it is 105 outside), we bowled and just hung out.
"The Girls"
Evelyn and her sister Joanie at the bowling alley. It was a fun surprise for Aunt Joan to join us!!
The boys played lots of pool at the timeshare, they loved it.
We took a walk along the strip and you never now what you will see there. Rob and Bekah were the only ones smart/ dumb? enough to hold this snake!!!
All 12 grandchildren on the Baker side, so fun to see everyone!!!
Posted by The blogging Bakers at 5:20 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The Big Day!!!!
I can't believe it!!! I have a middle schooler. Am I really that old? The kids all had a great first day. Tanner started 6th grade and aside from feeling like he was going to throw up all morning from nervousness, he had a great first day. Bekah started 4th grade, and Kyle started 1st. So it is just me and Luke and quietness all day. How sad:)
Posted by The blogging Bakers at 8:15 AM 2 comments
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Look who lost their first tooth!!!!
Kyle finally lost his first tooth!!! He has been waiting for so long and one day he went into the bathroom and yanked it out! Now if the tooth fairy wasn't so lame and didn't forget to visit then this story would have a much happier ending:)
Posted by The blogging Bakers at 5:33 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 27, 2010
A Day at the Fair
We had our annual trip to the fair with the Orlando's. We had lots of yummy food and rode crazy rides and spent way too much money. Bekah and Kyle even milked a goat.
Posted by The blogging Bakers at 4:53 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 21, 2010
Father's Day
We had a great Father's Day dinner at my house and I just want to give a shout out to my amazing dad. He has been through a lot this year and his strength and faith have been truly inspiring. We have seen many blessings and miracles this year. Notice that he is not wearing his brace, he has begun physical therapy and is making steady progress. Love you dad!!!Rob with all the kids, he is such a great husband and father and we are blessed to have him in our lives.
Here is cute Mackenzie with her dad, we had to get a picture for Jamie since she didn't have her camera. Is she not just a mini Dave, I love this picture!
On a side note, on the first day of summer last week, my friend Kim and I took the kids to see Toy Story 3! SOOOO CUTE!!!!! We all loved it, even the older kids. I highly recommend it.
Posted by The blogging Bakers at 11:22 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 18, 2010
Summer is finally here...!!!!!
Finally school is over!!! I am ready for summer, and a break from the routines and especially homework. The kids had a great school year and they had amazing teachers. Tanner had his 5th grade promotion on Wednesday. I can't believe I have a middle schooler!!
My camera flash is not working so this picture is awfulTanner and Grandma
Tanner and his teacher Mr. Rai. He was great and Tanner really enjoyed the 5th grade.
Kyle and his kindergarten teacher Mrs. Bussey. She was so great. He loved school and he did so well, he can read so well and now he feels like one of the big kids.Rebekah and her 3rd grade teacher Mrs. Lovick.
Bekah and her best friend Gabby, at our after school beach party. Soo fun
And finally.... I want to know why this little guy decides on the first day of summer that he wants to wake up at 5:45 am!!!!!!! All school year long he slept in until almost 8 but of course I had to be awake. Hopefully this is not the beginning of an early morning summer!!!!
Posted by The blogging Bakers at 8:26 AM 5 comments