So Bekah had her 8th birthday party. It was actually her very first party because I am a mean mom and I don't do parties until they are old enough to have vivid memories of them. Cruel I know. Anyway it was a karaoke/dance/run wild party. I think they had fun, and I can now officially say that I know every word to High School musical and the Jonas Brothers...good times! Anyway she had a good time and that is what matters right?
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Bekah's birrthday party
Posted by The blogging Bakers at 12:47 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Bekah's Big Day
Rebekah was baptized on Saturday and it was such a great day. Roberts brother Dave and his family from Salt Lake was there and my brother from LA came with his kids. We had grandparents and friends there. It was such a special day and we are so proud of Bekah and her decision to be baptized. She is such a spunky fun addition to our family and she definitely keeps us on our toes. We sure love you Bekah!!!! Where is Tanner?
After her confirmation with family and friends
Bekah and her first 5K
Robert and Bekah ran the Holiday Bowl 5K. This was Bekah's first race and she did great. Robert said she ran the whole way and she had a lot of fun. Robert said she is amazing because she talks the whole time she runs. I don't know how she does it. When I run I can't talk for fear that I will pass out. You go girl!!!!!
Posted by Cool Rob at 8:55 PM 6 comments
Sunday, January 4, 2009
A Day in LA
The week of Christmas we went to LA for a Gingerbread decorating party that my sister in law Aimee was throwing. The kids had a lot of fun with their cousins. This is their "masterpiece". As you can see they really have an artistic flair!?!? Anyway the candy didn't even make it out of the church before the house was being eaten.
Jackson loved uncle Rob. He's the only one who could get him to sleep. Afterwards we went to this great Cuban restaurant called Versailles. They have the best garlic lemon chicken. Thanks Aimee for taking us there, we had a lot of fun that day. Except for the way home, Rob had a huge plate of onions grilled in garlic if that tells you anything about the drive home:)
Posted by The blogging Bakers at 12:00 AM 2 comments